Show Aired: 04.14.08
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Venue: Air Canada Center

Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Ramblin Man (c)
Carlos Ortiz

CASW Tag Team Championship
Picante Macho (c)
Mike & Mack

Challenge Match
Soul Rider
Fontana Stewart

[We open Slam! with Matt McClain, who is now serving an unknown suspension with BACW, at the arena's back gate. Four large security guards are standing in front of him as a conversation takes place.]

Guard: [Holding his hand on Matt’s chest] I’m sorry Mr. McClain but we have strict instructions not to allow you into the building.

Matt McClain: [Pushing the hand] Touch me again and I’ll have you drinking spaghetti out of straw! [Pointing at the guards] Who’s this coming from? That son of a bitch Batee!? You guys keep following his lead and he’ll turn on you too!

Guard: [Listening to his ear piece] We heard what happened and the bottom line is you're suspended and restricted from gaining access to any NAWA sponsored events.

Matt McClain: [Chuckles] You have no idea what you're talking about! Come on guys; remember when you needed money? Didn’t I help all three of you?

Guard #2: [Nodding] He did help me with my house and told me how to get my wife under control.

Matt McClain: What about the DWI? Didn’t I talk to the lawyers for you?

Guard #3: Yeah, I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for your help.

[Smiling, McClain attempts to reenter but the head guard places his hand his chest again! Shoving Matt backwards, initiating a brief scuffle.]


Guard: UGH! [With his eye swelling from the punch] Get out of here! You’re not wanted! Scott Fox pays my bills now and if he says Mother Theresa herself doesn’t get in… she doesn’t get in!

Matt McClain: [Smiling] You CASW guards have fewer brains than a newborn.


Guard #2: [Talking to #1] Karl, just go inside and we’ll take care of this guy.

Guard: [Pointing at Matt] Alright, I have to get ice on this anyway. Nevertheless, do not let that punk in here!

Matt McClain: [Wiggling his fingers] OOOOH!!! Don’t let him in.

Guard: [Slamming the door behind him] Screw you McClain!

Matt McClain: Only if you were female - ASSHOLE!

[Shaking his head and dusting off his jeans, Matt turns but one of the guards gets his attention.]

Guard #2: [whispering] Come back in 5 minutes.

Matt McClain: [Bending over to tie his shoe] Why?

Guard #2: I don’t forget friends. I don’t know what happened between you and BACW, but I'm willing to help get you in. You’re the best thing that ever happened to BACW and I hate this new guy Fox! Smells like cheese...

Matt McClain: [Smiling] I am the best thing that ever happened to BACW and I plan on showing it tonight. Look, if you're serious, I’ll be back in five.

Guard #2: I'll be here...

[Turning away he speaks under his breath.]

Matt McClain: What a trusting idiot.

[Fading from the back area, we are shot out of the cannon and panning around you can see the fans have already filled most of the seats! Cheers and signs go up and with a zigzag motion; we pick up a few "shout outs". Spilling over the guardrail and down to ringside, we kick off the show with Host Richard Ryder.]

Richard Ryder: Hello everyone and welcome to our second edition of Slam! Tonight, we will see our CASW Heavyweight Champion Rambling Man go one on one with Carlos Ortiz. I’m your host Richard Ryder and still sitting next to me is my co-host the ladies and gentlemen - Gino Sacelli.

Gino Sacelli: [Turning to the crowd.] Wazzup?

Crowd: WASSUP!!!

Ryder: [Shuffles his papers] The crowd seems to be ready for an evening of action but what I want to know is are you?

Gino: Like Action Jackson, I was born ready!

Ryder: Before we get on with the show, what did you think about Matt McClain's suspension from BACW right before Grinder and NAWA's Big3?

Gino: Mr. Batee knows what he's doing but tell me Dick, why are we even talking about BACW when these fans behind me are itching to see some CASW wrestling?!

Ryder: Maybe because he already tried to gain entrance into the building? And McClain being here makes it a CASW topic.

Gino: I say let McClain in so our boys can feed on him like lion do their young!

Ryder: I really don't want Matt McClain anywhere near me... the man simply unstable.

Gino: Look around you, we have tons of security and besides, he can't even get passed the front door!

Ryder: Good point! [Shuffles papers] Gino let's move on and talk about who's on tonight's show.

Gino: Fire away!

Ryder: Fans, we have 3 block buster matches that will represent the best CASW has to offer.

Gino: Well out of the three I'm only interested in one and that's our main event when Ramblin Man tackles Carlos Ortiz!

Ryder: Last month Ramblin Man shocked Canada when he won our over the battle royal but Carlos Ortiz look awesome in that bout too.

Gino: I agree! But the issue I have with the match is that Michael Barnes should have been getting this title match instead of "Trash Can Superman".

Ryder: I heard Barnes was complaining too but that Fox told him, until CASW can get out of the red, he needs to forget about the gold.

Gino: Scott Fox needs to be very careful with this razor thin roster.

Ryder: I agree, and for the record, Michael Barnes by winning that match is the rightful number one contender regardless of who is booked tonight against out champion. [Shuffles papers] But before our main event, hold onto your seats because we have our tag team championship on the line. Can champions Picante Macho defeat the team of Mike & Mack in a match that is tailor made for pretty boys?

Ryder: Mike & Mack have been a pleasant surprise to the ownership of CASW and although I think the champs will overcome all the odds, the big money has to be on Mack & Mike to emerge victorious. Either way, I'm sure both teams will put on a fantastic performance!

Gino: Indeed they will! [Shuffles again] And opening our show, Fontana Stewart will do battle in the trenches with Ramblin Man's partner; Soul Rider!

Ryder: This is finally a chance for Fontana to grab some momentum he lost at the last show, but he might have chewed off too much this time.

Gino: One of the most hardcore individual I have ever met, Soul Rider could retire Fontana once and for all.

Crowd: [Commotion]

[Suddenly down the isle stumbles Scott Mackenize, the former WeWA Host. Stinking from alcohol abuse and touching woman all the way to the announcer's table, this show takes a turn for the worse. His shoes are on backwards, and button down is not buttoned up. Point blank, Scott is a complete mess, and something tells us he’s not happy about Richard Ryder sitting in the Host position.]

Scott Mackenize: [Fighting with the chords as he gets the extra headset on. [His speech is slurred.] GET OFF ME!

[Ryder & Gino roll their eyes because neither has even come close to rubbing against Scott.]

Mackenize: [Garbled] Hello everyone and welcome to Burger King, home of the Whopper! Can I take your order please?

Ryder: [Interrupting] That’s enough! Someone get this drunk out of here... and HEY GET OFF MY LAP!

Mackenzie: Fox said this show needed to be woken up. He told me to come down here and do something.

Gino: [Shocked] Where the hell are your pants?!

Mackenzie: [Blinking slowly and looking down.] Gee Mr. Hand, I don’t know.

Ryder: OK, well if CASW management is going to allow you to be out here, please refrain from relieving yourself at the table.

Gino: [Looking under the table] I think it’s too late.

Ryder: [Jumping up] Come on man! The hell is wrong with you!

Mackenzie: It’s a free world!

Ryder: Yeah but my damn shoes aren’t free. Stop PISSING!

Mackenzie: [Shaking] Ok.

Picante Macho (c)
Mike & Mack

[In the middle of the nonstop arguing, the entrance music for our first match cues up, and Fontana Stewart parts the curtain. Making his way down to the ring, he has his iPod turned up to 10 in an attempt to drown out any distractions.]

Fontana Stewart: [Climbing into the ring.] Canada!

Crowd: [POP!]

Tom Bernhard: Ladies and gentlemen, this is our opening contest and it’s scheduled for one fall with a 30 minutes time limit.

Crowd: [POP]

Tom: Entering the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, this is the former CASW Heavyweight champion! Give it up for Fontana Stewart!

Mackenzie: [Thrusting his fist into the air.] YEAH!

Ryder: Pull your boxers up man and show some dignity!

Gino: I think he just showed the entire world his dignity.

Bernhard: And his opponent, making his way down the isle... Wrestling fans, I give to you Soul Rider!

Crowd: [BOO!]

[Rider steps over the top rope, but Fontana is quick to catch him with a hard double axe handle. Taking hold of the second rope, Stewart rams his knees into the back of Rider’s kneecap trying to chop down the big man.]

Mackenzie: [Looking into the crowd] PEANUTS!

Ryder: Would you PLEASE sit down!

Gino: [Trying not to get involved but looking down] Peanuts are an accurate description.

Ryder: Oh my God! The pants!

Mackenzie: Sorry…

[Lifting Rider from the canvas, Stewart sends him into the corner with a hard Irish whip.]


[Follow up in the corner by Fontana, but this time he tosses Soul Rider into the ropes looking to speed up the match. Wild clothesline misses and bouncing off the nylon, Soul Rider launches himself into face of Stewart's elbow first! Hooking the leg, Soul Rider tries to pick up the one... two... three... but Fontana kicks out forcing the match to continue.]

Referee: TWO!

Ryder: Both men to their feet and we have a collar tie once again in the center of the ring!

[Knee to the midsection by the Soul Rider... Again! Again! Again! Soul Rider has Stewart doubled over and he's signaling for a backslapping DDT!]

Ryder: [Lifting one fist] DDT!

Crowd: [BOO!]

Gino: Shaky back body drop counter by Fontana and Soul Rider stumbles into the corner holding lower back. Bolo upper cut by Stewart but Soul Rider lifts the big boot to his opponent's head and down goes Fontana into the corner!

Ryder: We have a cover!

Mackenzie: This is going to be close!

Referee: One... two... Three!

Gino: He got him! Wow! I wasn't expecting that to happen!

Mackenzie: I see the referee holding up two fingers!

Referee: [Waiving off the count] TWO!

[Signaling two, the referee calls for the match to continue with Soul Rider in control of the tempo. Hard scoop slam in the center of the ring and running off a three-step drop, Soul Rider lowers a heavy leg drop across the throat of his opponent! Hooking the leg again, the referee pounds the mat for the one two three!]

Ryder: Kick out by Fontana again!

Crowd: [Clapping]

Gino: Lifting Stewart to his feet, Soul Rider tosses him into the ropes and follows trying to attempt a high knee to the jaw. Fontana shows his quickness by countering with a leg whip and Soul Rider cries out that his knee has popped!

Ryder: Oh my god!

Mackenzie: Heeeze fine!

Gino: Was that even English?

[Limping up to his feet and stumbling into the corner, Fontana pops off a few knife-edge chops to the chest! Soul Rider reels on his heels and is sent right onto his back with a textbook hip toss. The camera turns its attention to Stewart as he mounts the top turnbuckle looking for his rolling knee finisher!]

Gino: What the hell is he doing here?


Crowd: [BOO!]

Ryder: Ramblin Man from the back just nailed Fontana Stewart with a steel chair and thank heavens, the referee is calling for the bell!

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Ryder: Into the ring comes CASW Heavyweight champion and Soul Rider is ripping into his partner for losing the match.

Soul Rider: What are you doing?

Ramblin Man: ME?! I just saved your ass!

Soul Rider: I thought I told you! I ride alone!

Ryder: From behind its Stewart with a double lower blow and that had to hurt both men!

Crowd: [OH!]

Mackenzie: [Crossing his legs] I think I have to go to the bathroom again.

Ryder: Don't you dare!

[With both men on their knees, Fontana executes a double DDT and crowd goes wild! Shaking off the chair shot, Stewart places both men in the center of the ring and climbing to the top turnbuckle and leaps off into the stratosphere!]



Crowd: [NO!]

Ryder: Double rolling knee finisher misses and Fontana is in deep trouble now. Staggering to their feet, the two men look furious and removing their thick metal studded leather belts, start whipping the God holy hell out of Fontana Stewart.


Fontana: AAAAAAGGHH!!!!!

[As Stewart's flesh peels away from his back and all hope of a happy ending seem to be lost...]


Crowd: [CRAZY POP!]

Ryder: No way!

Gino: Is he really here?

[...then from the darkness, and through a low budget light show, emerges the former World Heavyweight champion "Absolute" Lee Riel!

Gino: Riel ducks the wild double team and bouncing off the opposite ropes, comes back into the center of the ring hitting Ramblin Man with a Pele kick and Soul Rider with a leg sweep! Ramblin Man and Soul Rider immediately bail from the ring as Lee Riel climbs the ropes to collect his hometown pop!]

[Peering over the ropes as Ramblin Man backs up the ramp, Riel screams in his direction.]

Lee Riel: [Raising his hands in victory.] Don't you EVER tread on Canada!

[Jumping down from his perch, Riel helps his fellow Canadian to his feet.]

Crowd: Lee! Lee! Lee! Lee!

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Bernhard: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match as a result of outside interference, Fontana Stewart! But because this contest ending in a DQ, still your CASW Heavyweight champion - Ramblin Man!

Ryder: Can you believe the Canadian Wrestle-God Lee Riel is actually here in a CASW ring? Gino: I definitely cannot!

Ryder: What a great match but it appears Ramblin Man has once again stuck his nose into his partner's business and is it me or do you feel a bit of tension between the two?

Gino: It's hard to tell, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Crowd: Ca-na-da! Ca-na-da! Ca-na-da!

Mike & Mack Plan their Attack

[With the fans still standing the two Canadian stars exit the arena to a thunderous ovation. Transitioning into back, we see the team of Mike and Mack preparing for their upcoming match. Michael and Mack sit in their locker room just before their match is to hit. Both men are lacing up their boots.]

Michael Barnes: Tonight we can walk away with something special and after it’s all said and done we can party like the old days.

Mack McAshlan: Ha! You couldn't keep up with me back then, so what makes you think you can do so now?

[Michael laughs to himself.]

Michael Barnes: Remember I was a football player and always partied like it was 1999.

Mack McAshlan: True that.

[Mack nods his head as he stands up and stretches his shoulder out.]

Mack: We better walk out with those titles tonight after all the trouble we have been through working out; I've never hurt so much in my life.

Michael: It will take some getting used to if you want to become the best.

[Both men look at their watches and listen hearing a familiar sound.]

Michael: It’s time.

[Fading from the challengers, we pick up to a drooling Mackenzie with his eyes closed.]

Ryder: Is Mackenize sleeping?


Ryder: Maybe we should give him some sugar?

Gino: Like what?

Ryder: We could put a cookie in his mouth and move his jaw ourselves so he could chew?

Gino: May I suggest the theory of the sleeping dog?

[Cameraman signals to the two who are completely clueless.]

Gino: We're back on the air?!!

Ryder: WHOA! Hey! Hello! [Shuffles papers] Okay people as you can see, Scott Mackenzie has a bit of jet lag, so we are just going to move right along with the show and go up to ring for our first of two championship matches.

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Bernhard: CASW fans, this next contest is for the Canadian ALL-STAR Wrestling tag team championship!

Crowd: [POP!]

Bernhard: About to enter the wrestling area are the challengers...

Crowd: [BOO!]

[“New Drug” by Thousand Foot Krutch hits the PA system. Michael and Mack appear at the top of the ramp standing back to back. Walking down the makeshift ramp they go next to the fans extending their hands to slap hands, but pull away laughing as they reach the bottom of the ramp they turn and point to the stage behind them. Sliding under the bottom rope Mack goes to the top turnbuckle and Mike stands on the bottom rope.]

Crowd: You suck! You suck! You suck! You suck!

Ryder: I hope they don't wake up Mackenzie.

Gino: Why?

Ryder: Because I would hate for the drying process of my shoes to begin all over again.

Bernhard: And now for the champions!

Crowd: [POP!]

["Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot" by Buster Pointdexter plays and out from the curtains comes the champions moving and grooving with to the beat.]

Crowd: [In unison to the music] Feeling hot, hot, hot!

Bernhard: Hailing from Brazil, they are the Canadian All-Star Wrestling Tag Team champions, Freddy Santana and Rocky Fabrizzio... Together they are Picante Macho!

Crowd: [POP!]

Ryder: Entering the ring and shedding their championship belts, it seems Rocky Fabrizzio will be starting off for the champs, and Mike Barnes will take the lead for the challengers.

Crowd: [OH!]

Gino: Fabrizzio with a Polish hammer sends Mack down quick and pulling Barnes from his back, Rocky sends him into the ropes with an Irish whip.

[Rotating through the rebound, Fabrizzio shows off his strength by unloading with an awesome power slam.]

Referee: 1... 2...

Crowd: [OOO!]

Referee: Kick out!

Ryder: Rocky shakes his head seemingly complaining about a slow count, and tossing Mike into his corner, here is the follow up discus punch!


Crowd: [YEAH!]

Gino: Mike is in danger and here comes the first tag of the match

Referee: TAG!

[Thrust kick to the gut of and pull back his hand, Freddy Santana bitch slaps Mike back and forth in paint brush fashion. Into the ring comes Mack but the referee is there to stop him. Behind the refs back, Fabrizzio begins strangling Mike and backing up a few steps, Freddy unleashes a cart wheel heel kick.]

Ryder: Down goes Barnes and here's the cover and the count.

Referee: 1... 2...

Crowd: NO!

Referee: TWOOO!

Mackenzie: [Rustling in his seat.] I don't wanna go to school ma!

Ryder: Kick out by Mike Barnes and the challengers just can't seem to get their engines running.

[Irish whip into the corner by Freddy and launching himself into the air, lands groin first onto the face of Mike. Bronco busting up and down Mike can finally take no more and powering up to his feet...]


[...uncorks a killer running power bomb!]

Crowd: [BOO!]

Ryder: Barnes wipes off the residue from Freddy's crotch and look out, sidewalk slam rattles Freddy from head to toe. Dragging Freddy into his corner, Barnes reaches out his hand for the tag.

Gino: He's finally going to make the tag.

Referee: TAG!

Ryder: McAshlan to the top, and look out!

[180 Twist...]

Crowd: [WOW!]

Gino: UFC forearms riddle Freddy's face and this might be the early break the challengers have been looking for.

Ryder: Referee is in position for another 1... 2...

Crowd: [NO!]

Referee: TWO!

Crowd: [Clapping]

[Dragging Freddy to his feet, McAshlan arrogantly tosses Santana into his corner and begs for Fabrizzio to enter the ring.]

Mike: [On the apron] NOOO!!!!

Ryder: Collar tie in the center of the ring and...


Ryder: ...Bolo upper cut by Rocky and toggling to the side...


Ryder: ...Side Russian leg sweep finds a home.

Gino: I knew letting the fresh man in was a bad decision for the challengers.

Ryder: MacAshlan really needs to pay attention to what's going on and wrestle smarter.

Gino: We have a cover!

Referee: 1.. 2... 3...

Crowd: [YEAH!]

Referee: Two!

Crowd: [BOO!]

Gino: Rocky calls for the tag and in comes Freddy!

[Irish whip into the ropes by Fabrizzio and exiting the ring, Freddy follows up with a soaring Theisz! Falling backwards, Mack snaps the champ's neck with a killer hot shot and practically coughing up a lung, Freddy is in deep trouble.]

Ryder: Into the ring comes Fabrizzio and Michael Barnes follow suite!

Gino: All four men collide over the logo, and the place becomes unglued!

Ryder: Two on one brings Rocky to his knees and as the challengers take turns beating the God holy hell out of Fabrizzio...

Crowd: [OH!]

Ryder: ...Double low blow from behind and Freddy Santana just might have saved the day!

Gino: Roll up by Santana on Mike!

Referee: 1... 2... 3...

Ryder: I think he got him!

Gino: It's over!

Crowd: [DAMN!]

Referee: NO! Mike is not the legal man in the ring! [Waving off the pin] Continue the match!

Crowd: [BOO!]

Ryder: Freddy Santana argues with the referee and he better watch out because Mike is livid!



Freddy: UGH!

Ryder: .... SPEEEEEAR!!!!!!

[On the opposite side of the ring Fabrizzio misses the wild clothesline and this allows Mack to jam his boot into the champ's mid-section. Cranking up Rocky, Mack runs to the hills with his Shattered Glass finisher!]

Ryder: No one kicks out of shattered glass!

Referee: 1... 2...

Mack: [Pulling up Rocky and yelling to Mike] Let's get extreme!

Crowd: [BOO!]

Gino: This is a colossal mistake.

Ryder: He should have pinned the man!

[Rolling to the outside, Mack pulls a ladder out from beneath the ring and slides it under the bottom ropes. Michael changes positions and is now pounding away at Rocky while Freddy tries to climb the turn buckles behind Mack.]

Crowd: [Stomping]

Gino: Barnes sees Freddy!

Ryder: Barnes climbs mid way up the ropes greeting Freddy with a hard chop, and cranking flamboyant one's arm over his head, executes a hardcore super-plexus!

Gino: Rocky with a surprise stunner and flopping backwards, Mack smashes his head onto the discarded ladder.

Gino: We have a double cover!

Referee: 1.. 2... 3...

Gino: Who won?

Referee: Ring the bell!

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Ryder: I don't know but the man in stripes is calling for the bell. Both teams are stunned and so is this crowd. What a match! What endurance!

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Bernhard: Ladies and gentlemen, because both teams obtained falls at the same time, your winner of the bout via a draw, and still CASW Tag Team champions! Picante Macho!

Crowd: [YEAH!]

Ryder: Mack and Mike immediately toss the champions out of the ring along with their belts and folks, I don't know about you, but I definitely want to see a rematch!

[Waking from his haze, Scott rubs his sand crusted eyes.]

Mackenzie: What’s going on? Where am I?

Gino: Jesus he's awake.

Mackenzie: [Bending over into the trashcan] I think I’m going to be sick.

Ryder: Well don't look at me! Turn your head idiot!

Gino: Forget about him Dick!

Ryder: It's really hard to forget about someone whose about to throw up on you from 6 inches away. [Pause]

Gino: What is it?

Ryder: Oh my God, Matt McClain has somehow gained entrance into the building and is headed towards Scott Fox's office!!

Gino: When?

Ryder: Right now!

Gino: [GULP!]


[Scott Fox is seen walking out of his office as one of the security guards comes up to him with a distraught look plastered on his face. Fox is washed over with a curious gaze as he raises one of his eyebrows.]

Fox: What’s wrong?

Security Guard: Not really sure if this is good news or bad news…but we have an unscheduled guest arrive and he wants to meet with you…NOW.

Fox: Is that so? Well I’m busy, and I don’t have time to meet with this mystery man…

Security Guard: Uhhh sir, I don’t think you understand…it the “Crippler:…

Fox: “Crippler”?

Security Guard: It’s Matt McClain... and he somehow got into the building.

Fox: Oh my God…

[Fade on the frightened face of the CASW owner.]

Ramblin Man (c)
Carlos Ortiz

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Berhard: This match is scheduled for one fall and has now been made into a surprise hell in the cell match up! Making his way to the ring he is the challenger... Ladies and gentlemen, this is Carlos Ortiz!

Crowd: [POP!]

Ryder: Crowd seems to like the trash can superman but besides the obvious, can you believe Scott Fox decided to lock these two men inside the confines of a hell in a cell?

Gino: I know Carlos is one tough cookie but I just can't see anyone on this current defeating Ramblin Man especially inside a demonic device like this.

Ryder: Including Mike Barnes?

Gino: Especially Mike Barnes!

Berhard: And his opponent... welcome if you would, the Canadian ALL-STAR Wrestling, Heavyweight champion; Ramblin Man!

[Crowd starts to chant as both Ramblin Man and Carlos Ortiz both get into the ring.]

Ryder: Look at this crowd on there feet in anticipation of this match up. Folks, we would like to welcome to you to this great match up between two great athletes in CASW. By far the most extreme wrestling company north of the United States border!

Gino: CASW sure is as they continue to put there stamp on the NAWA.

Ryder: Tonight marks the first time that CASW has been on a network channel.

Gino: Although all this is very interesting, let's get back to the action inside the ring as Ramblin Man and Carlos get the final instructions.

Ryder: Are there supposed to be weapons in there?

Gino: I guess so, I mean Scott has change all the rules in hopes of attracting a few more wrestlers onto his roster.

Ryder: Well I hope he realizes this match could get ugly.

Gino: Sure could.

[As both men lock up Ramblin Man is quick to hip toss Ortiz into the corner where he connects with a running knee right into his opponent's jaw. Ramblin Man grabs a dog chain that's hanging on the bars and starts to choke Carlos with it.]

Gino: Ramblin Man just grabbed any sort of object he could find.

Ryder: And get this folks, just announced, for the summer of 2008 every match in CASW is going to be held under hardcore rules.

Gino: That's insane!

[Ramblin Man grabs Ortiz by the hair and just throws him face first into the cell. Carlos has taken a good beating at the beginning of this match but continues to show his endurance. Ramblin Man collects Carlos and grabbing a baseball bat, swings it at Ortiz but Carlos ducks and nails Ramblin Man in the sack with a low blow.

Gino: Ooooooh... I would hate to loose those.

Ryder: I agree!

[Carlos does a lower rope springboard onto a stunned Ramblin Man and Ortiz now grabs the chair and smashes it over the back of Ramblin Man.]

Crowd: [POP!]

[The impact leaves huge red marks on the champion's back as Carlos now sets up two chairs putting a stop sign in the middle of them. Placing Ramblin Man 's head on it, Ortiz climbs to the top ropes and monkey bars the cage right over his opponent.]

Gino: It has to be about 25 feet high.

Ryder: The cage looks awful rickety!

Crowd: Jump! Jump! Jump!

Gino: I don't think Carlos cares!!!!





Crowd: Holy shit-Eh! Holy shit-Eh!! Holy shit-Eh!!! Holy shit-Eh!!!

Ryder: Down with an amazing leg drop and I think the stop sign just bent around Ramblin Man's head!

Gino: Now this match is getting extreme!

Ryder: Carlos is getting up slowly and I'm not sure which man took the brunt of the blow.

Gino: I truly believe it's the man who had the stop sign formed around his head.

[Injured, both men lie there for about 40 seconds as the crowd tries to encourage Carlos to get up to his feet. Ramblin Man is a bloody mess but prying his head out of the metal sandwich, both start to get up at about the same time.]

Crowd: [Stomping]

Ryder: Ramblin Man is getting up and...

Crowd: [OH!]

Ryder: Spear to the midsection of Carlos. The impact takes both men right into the cell and slumping down in the corner Ramblin Man grabs a beer bottle...


Gino: OH MY! Bottle to the face of Carlos and pay backs are certainly a bitch!

Ryder: He is going to need quite a few stitches for that cut.

Gino: Yes he will and look out, Ramblin Man is now setting up a table.

Ryder: This might be the end to Carlos's day.

Crowd: [BOO!]

Gino: Are those what I think they are?

Ryder: I believe so! Fans Ramblin Man is now pouring a bag of thumbtacks onto the table and now he's looking for the top of the cell.

Gino: He just left Carlos Ortiz on top of that table and this is going to be some sort of payback!

[Monkey bar technique now has Ramblin Man right over the challenger and releasing his grip... Ramblin Man executes a leg drop right onto Ortiz's face.]


Crowd: [WOW!]

[As the camera zooms in you can see the thumbtacks embedded into the back of Carlos.]

Ryder: Ramblin Man with the pin!

Referee: 1... 2... 3...

Gino: It's over...

Ryder: Ramblin Man wins the battle!

Gino: You have to love a finish like that!

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

Bernhard: Your winner of the bout by pin fall and still CASW Heavyweight Champion; Ramblin Man!

Ryder: What a fantastic match! I tell you something; CASW is certainly an up and coming young federation!

Gino: With guys like Ramblin Man and Ortiz giving it their all 24/7, it’s not a wonder they are making waves in the sports entertainment business.

Ryder: [Looking at Scott Mackenzie sleeping on the announcer’s table] Is he still sleeping? Hey! Wake up!

Gino: You really shouldn't wake a sleeping drunk.

Ryder: But the show's over and he's drooling all over my papers!

Gino: Better on the papers than on you.

Ryder: [Looking to his left] Oh no, here are my papers!

Gino: [Slapping Scott in the back of the head] GET OFF MY PAPERS!

Mackenize: [Still sleeping] Come on ma! [Swatting his hand into the air] I told you I would find a job tomorrow ma!

Ryder: Well folks that's it from Canada! We will see you next month when Picante Macho will try to bring home world gold when they face BACW's Face of Perfection at NAWA's Big3! I'm Dick Ryder, and this Gino Sacelli saying good night, and please stop blaming Canada.

[Closing the show we see Scott Fox still talking with Matt McClain.]

Fox: So, let me get this right…you are suspended from the BACW, but you want to come here to the CASW?

McClain: I’m thinking about it. Think about it Scott, I can be the big star that puts you on the map and the fist step in scaring Batee that there is another powerhouse Federation in the NAWA besides the BACW. He whores himself out to gain all of the talent, but think if you turned the tables on him Scott!

Fox: Yeah…I see your point, BUT the real question is what do you get out of it McClain?

McClain: That’s simple…You scratch my back and I scratch your back. Give me what I want and I promise that I can take the CASW to new heights that it has never been to before.

Fox: I don’t know McClain…

McClain: For now, just think about it Scott…Take your time, I have a trip the BWA. Cajun Rage is coming up and I feel I need to make a homecoming of sorts…

Fox: O.K., I’ll think about it McClain…

McClain: That’s all I ask Scott…that’s all I ask…

End Slam!

Scott Fox
Owner of Canadian All-Star Wrestling