Welcome Letter
Thanks for showing interest in eWrestling.Org, a self-promotional tool, used for “The Average Joe” to gain exposure in the professional wrestling community without having to beg for your writing to be posted. We are NOT affiliated with WWE, TNA, or ECW, but we do have an official link to Jersey All Pro Wrestling.
Further, eWrestling.Org doesn’t ask anything of its writers other than professionalism. We pride ourselves in providing a responsive environment, so we ask that you respect this one goal.
If you are sick of waiting to be discovered as a legitimate writer by applying to a “high profile” site without a response, eWrestling.Org will not only help promote your writing ability regardless of your status as a writer, but we will also aid in your overall internet exposure.
Logging in well over 250,000 hits per month; we can make you a household name and you don’t have to know a secret handshake to join. Our site is based on a self-help concept offering a series of features designed to make your internet surfing a more enjoyable pastime.
In addition to our real wrestling resources, our biggest claim to fame is our fantasy wrestling feature. All over the internet people have been fantasy wrestling for over 20 years, but they do it through writing. Here in eWrestling.Org, we do it with both text & sound! That’s right; all our shows are done in both written & MP3 format! That means not more reading 500 page cards until your eyes bleed. After the role play period is over, kick back, click a button, read for a bit, and then listen to all the action LIVE!
For more information on how to play our fantasy wrestling game, please see our e-School located on the main page of our BACW fantasy league site.
Once again we thank you for visiting eWrestling.Org and look forward to meeting all your wrestling needs.
eWrestling.Org is an equal opportunity organization furthering the skills for both younger and older fans of professional wrestling all over the globe.
Mr. Batee - eWrestling.Org Owner