Job Openings on eWrestling.Org
LAST UPDATED: June 8, 2013
Please read before applying...
? WE ARE ACCEPTING ALL WRITERS. Meaning, you can be reporting for another site. Some site force writers to be exclusive, we do not.
? We do read every single application sent in.
? If you're NOT hired, then we will not send a response back. That is the only time when we don't reply to an e-mail.
? All available positions here at eWrestling.Org are non-paid positions. However, you will be reporting about something you enjoy. When you join the eWrestling.Org staff, your work will be seen by millions of wrestling fans across the world!
There are currently positions available at this time. Please send your application to brad@ewrestling.org
Brad - eWrestling.Org Owner